Make your business personal, connect with your customers and prospects on Whatsapp. The great thing about Whatsapp for business is that like Acquiral is can be used across Sales, Marketing and Support. Let’s face we all use Whatsapp everyday and being able to connect with the businesses you use day in day out on the same app would make things a lot easier. Why sit on the phone and wait to connect with busy agents when you can send a whatsapp?  

How Whatsapp can change your business: 

  • More engagement 
  • Whatsapp for business allows you to connect instantly with prospects, customers and leads. In a simple format, with the ability to add attachments and share links.  
  • Powerful reporting 
  • Acquiral for Whatsapp provides you with powerful reporting and analytics which helps identify the best time and message you should be sending to your customers, prospects and leads.  
  • Great for all business sizes 
  • The great thing about Whatsapp is that businesses of any size can leverage the power of Whatsapp and the best bit, most of your customers or prospects will already be using Whatsapp so they won’t need to learn a new tool. It just makes connecting that much easier. 
  • Sales, Support or Marketing it all works. 
  • Whatsapp for business connects all of your teams with customers, leads and prospects. Just like Acquiral, Whatsapp is a tool which has huge benefits across functions. 

Connect with millions, no billions, engage instantly and drive your conversations at scale. When you think of social as part of your business I bet Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are the first names to come to mind. Whatsapp is regularly overlooked in Europe but Asia has seen an huge boost in businesses using Whatsapp. Europe has been slow to follow but now Whatsapp is a channel that shows no signs of slowing down with 1.5 Billion monthly active users. 

How to use Whatsapp for business 

  • One to one chat 
  • This is the most basic function, having the ability to message individual contacts. 
  • Broadcast 
  • This allows you to broadcast a message to a large contact list. 
  • Groups 
  • Lets you chat to upto 256 contacts in one group conversation. 

With more than 60 million Whatsapp messages sent everyday, can you afford to be missing out? The best news is according to a Neilsen study 67 percent of mobile messaging app users expect to use mobile messaging more for business communications over the next two years. With 53 percent saying they will expect to shop via messaging apps too. 

Whatsapp isn’t like other social platforms and therefore you need to be creative with your approach, but the key value of Whatsapp for business is the direct access it provides to your customers, prospects and leads.  Used in the right way you could have service issues dealt with instantly providing an excellent customer experience. Closing sales across Whatsapp with minimum effort and converting prospects to leads with the right marketing message. Why wait? Find out more from Acquiral, on how they can help set up your Whatsapp marketing strategy.