5 ways to use user tagging in Acquiral 

Before we get into our tips for tagging, I’ll cover off what tagging is for anyone who hasn’t been using it or isn’t familiar with our solution. Tagging allows you to places tags on prospects depending on how they interact with your campaigns, surveys, or messages. Why is this important, you say? Well, by adding a tag means a few things, you can start building a micro list of prospects defined with the information they have provided you. At the most straightforward form, let’s imagine you are surveying a group of people, the first question could be employed or unemployed. You could tag each person with the relevant status which will create two separate lists of people.  

Here are a few ways to get you going with tagging.  

  1. Conduct a survey for customer feedback. Ask the standard question: How likely are you to recommend us to a friend? The conventional approach is a one to ten scales; one is really bad, ten is really good. Any user who replies seven or above likes your service or product. By tagging these users, you are now able to target them directly with a new campaign. This campaign is planned to get referrals from these customers.  
  1. Following on from the above. Anybody who replied Three or below are at risk of either leaving your business or leaving bad reviews on other websites. You can now tag these customers, so you know who they are. We’d recommend putting them in a “get better” campaign. Spend more time on them to try and win them over.  
  1. Buying triggers are a great way to use tagging as it means you can sell to people who are ready to buy. For example, if you are running a clothing store and you want to start driving traffic to your Autumn range, you can send out a message. “Who’s ready for Autumn, tell us what you are looking forward to and we’ll enter you in a competition to win X. Any responses are ready to start looking at your latest range, so tag them with ready for Autumn. Use this tag to create a new campaign that promotes your Autumn line of clothes.  
  1. Product Feedback is an excellent use-case for Aquiral, being able to send regular messages to collect feedback helps you shape your service. Here we use tagging to understand who is an advocate of the product. Adding tagging to questions like, do you love our product, would like to join our Beta, what would you change? We run these campaigns to collect users we can trust and rely on for feedback on new products. (You can join this list here)  
  1. Ready for sales, a lot of marketing focuses on qualifying a lead, understanding there is a need before sending a lead to sales. This can often be the difference between a lead converting and a lead being downgraded. You can use tagging to move prospects between marketing campaigns and sales. For instance, you get a new lead from your website, and you fire a generic email. This email contains a link to a short survey, what are you looking for, when are you likely to buy, what are you trying to solve? To be honest, here I would have two or even three layers of tagging. One anyone who clicks on the link has an interest, so I will put them as ” Interested in the survey” If they don’t complete the survey I will send it via another channel. Two, anyone who completes the survey, even if they haven’t answered the Highly Qualifying terms they should still be moved into a different campaign as they are engaged. Let us call this “Engaged with Survey”. Three is anyone who answers NOW to what is your buying timeline, these users a ready, they told you that, so we would tag them “Ready to Buy” and send them straight to sales. 

Bonus Tip, you can add multiple Tags per campaign, we recommend planning your tags so you know why you are using them. The beautiful thing with surveying your customers is they are proving you with more information about themselves. It is an effortless way to create new personas for your marketing activities. For instance, if they give you the information, you could run targeted campaigns aimed at Women, Between 45-50, who earn over £50k a year and enjoying exotic holidays. All of this information is available if you create the right survey to access it.